A business is comprised of several moving parts. In a small business, all the moving parts are usually filled by one or a few people who memorize their roles and duties. As a business grows the moving parts increase and the people holding these positions also increase. When a new employees comes in, the process…
How To Use Questions To Sell And Grow Profits
Why do customers procrastinate from buying? Because they feel they don’t really need the product or service right now. You really can’t convince them to the contrary because they don’t really trust you and feel you have a financial motive. Luckily for you, the one person that does, is there with you; the customer. But…
How To Get Customers To Buy From You
This is why you need to learn how to get customers to buy from you. Consider this, you have worked tirelessly at creating messages to attract customers, improving your product almost to perfection and creating an excellent buying atmosphere at your place of selling and now a potential customer has arrived. What do you do,…
Ask Your Customers The Right Questions To Get Them To Buy
Selling is about satisfying customers needs. Unfortunately most customers and clients have no idea on what their exact needs are, so they solve their symptoms. To make a sale that satisfies a customer need and possibly even gains you repeat business and referrals, you must learn how to ask your customers the right questions. …
Direct Response Marketing, What Is It?
Most of the time when you look at an advert on TV or on a newspaper, it may inspire you to laugh, think deeply about a problem or be amazed at the creativity employed on the advert. But how many times do you see the ad and immediately get an in pulse to buy? Not…
Customer Testimonials; What Are They?
This is an example of a situation without a customer testimonial: You have just finished a presentation to a prospect. You have tooted your horn on how good your product or service is and why they should give you their money for it. You are now probably sitting there waiting and wondering why it is…
Customer Referrals; What Are They?
If you have a client who enjoys your product or service, they can bring in their friend, acquaintance or family and recommend you as an excellent provider of the same. The new client who came in on recommendation is a customer referral. Giving excellent customer service, rewards your business by creating a herd of return…
Choose A Target Market In 5 Steps
To maximize effectiveness and returns from your marketing efforts, you need to focus your resources to that part of the market that has the highest likelihood to buy and obtain maximum utility from your product; a target market. When you choose a target market, you have a smaller group of customers to focus all your…